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representation in music video

In my music video, there are a lack of main roles therefore there is not much in the sense of representation. However, the lead role and rest of the minor characters do both show areas of conforming to stereotypes and breaking them. 


The lead role is a female in this video however the representation of the character shows her to not be a typical girl. This is because in the video we see the character has independence and isn't bossed around by anyone. This is different to the stereotypes of a young girl because they are usually seen to be fragile and weak. As well as this, the main character has certain androgynous characteristics like exploring in the outdoors which is typically associated with boys. However, when we reach the middle 8, we see that the girl isn't as strong as she appears. This is because she was deceived by the drug into thinking she was surrounded by people when really the whole time she was alone. This suggests that after all, maybe the lead does fit in with the girl stereotype as she is seen to be weak because she was deceived. 

others in narrative

In the narrative there are not any other specific characters which play a role in the narrative, more a crowd of people/friends which all equally contribute. This crowd is represented as the typical stereotype of a teenager. As a group they seem very suspicious and in the video we see vandalism, a typical trait of a stereotypical teenager. They appear to be reckless, as we see in the powder paint fight but do not look threatening as they are all laughing and smiling. 

band members

The actual band is very male dominated which is very typical within this genre of music. Apart from the lead singer (which in this genre is sometimes female e.g. Paramore and PVRIS), the rest are men. We do not get to see what the band members are really like as we only see them performing, which doesn't really connote anything except for the enthusiasm in music. 

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