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Asking this question may seem like it was irrelevant however it may be the most important of all. By finding out the age of my target audience, it made creating a profile more precise as by being an average age, I could narrow down elements of the video. For example, 13 year olds may have a different mentality to a 20 year old, therefore if my target audience were 13 year olds, I would base elements of my video e.g. narrative around the mentality of a 13 year old in order to make the video seem relatable and a more enjoyable viewing.

This question was asked as more of a reassurance than for the sole purpose of research. By looking into the genre of alternative rock, I already discovered that the majority of people who prefer alternative rock are within my target audience age range, and with my existing knowledge on people around e and their music taste, it was already apparent that this genre was preferable to most. By asking this question, it helped me as if my judgements were wrong and it was found that Rap was the most popular, I would have to reconsider the construction of my video and who it would be aimed at in order to be most successful if it were on the market.

By asking this question, it would help give ma a focal point within my video. If i knew that my target audience were more considered with the narrative of the video, I would know to make the video mostly based around the narrative as it would be most gripping to my target audience and therefore more successful.

Again, this question helped with a focal point in the video. If the target audience majority watched music videos because of their interest in the band, it would make sense in my video for the band to appear a lot (whether this be in terms of performance or within the narrative).

By finding out someones memorable music video off the top of their head, it would help me as I could quickly watch them and find themes and correlations which they all do of which I could use.

This question may seem pointless to ask however it would help massively as I could find out if all these elements which the target audience preferred actually payed off or if music videos didn't seem that important to someone after all.

This question was multiple choice as I wanted to find out what particular elements of a music video people preferred. This would help me to develop my ideas form the focal point and construct the rest of my video according to what the target audience prefer. This seemed vital to ask as if i based most of the elements of the video on assumptions, I could create something which was the opposite of what people like (a confusing/loose narrative which may become confusing for the audience).

In my previous research half the videos did link to the meaning and half didn't, therefore I decided it would be relevant to ask the target audience.

The drop down menu consisted of three options:

- Quiet/slow music videos

- Energetic/fast music videos

- Bit of both


This was something which needed to be considered early on in the process of research and planning as the music video would have to link to the song choice and the pace of the song would determine what type of video would be used (If it were a slow song, a slow paced music video would be used).

Again, in my previous research of alternative rock music videos, it was an equal split between serious music videos and spoof/comedy videos. This was essential to ask as I was completely uncertain as to what the target audience would prefer. 

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