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location shots



For the performance section of my music video, I will be using the drama studio in our sixth form where there are different light filters we can use - which is beneficial for my video as there is a colour scheme for the music video (red and blue) to match the 3D artwork of the digipak.

However, for the narrative side of my video, I am using mostly outdoor naturalistic settings. I want to portray the lead as a lone wolf type character, and by setting the whole video around them being outside and alone helps to give no background about their life except the key fact that they are alone. As well as this, I think the naturalistic setting seems soft and peaceful, juxtaposing with the harsh brutality the drug seem to give. There are two main locations: the cycle path old railway station (top right) and the local science park which includes fields, lakes and refurbished community areas (rest of photos).

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