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initial ideas




For the narrative, I want to link in the concept of drug abuse. The video will show how much a persons hyperreality after taking drugs can seem so realistic. 



So far I have a rough idea of the sequence of which events will happen:

1. Wake up

2. Take drug

3. Walk desolate streets (too eerie)

4. Come across abandoned warehouse (big space kind of place)

5. Accidentally walk in when there are other people in there

6. They seem threatening at first but then become friends

7. powder paint fight (good aesthetic shots, link to conceptual element in video)

8. Drug wears off

9. Realises the whole time, the lead is alone, they never met people in the barn, the drug was giving them hallucinations that there were other people there

10. Show same shots as original however in these shots, nobody else is there, we see what really happened.

For the performance section of the video, I would originally like for it to be on a stage but because of the lack of record labels and money, this may not be possible. Because of this, I would like to do the performance section in the sports hall as we can use the section divides as a background which is just plain white. This will help emphasise the importance of the band and help see them more clearly. The formation of the band will look like this:



Em (lead singer and bass)

Sam (guitarist)

George (guitarist)

Dominic (drummer)

There will be many elements of the video which will be conceptual, although they may loosely link to the narrative. For example, I want to include a powder paint fight which links to the narrative as that is part of the "having fun" part of the video however there may be extra unnecessary shots of it purely for the aesthetic. 

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