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shooting schedule 



Things to do before shooting:

- Ask caretaker to change light filters to red and blue

- Go to photography department to borrow box light and camera 



Brief everyone on the plan, show animatic


9:00 - 9:30

Set up room and position people in the frame


9:30 - 10:00

Run through the full song twice (still shot on tripod)


10:00 - 10:30

Re-run through song another two times and take close-ups, mids, medium close up etc. 


10:30 -10:40

Take shots of whats going on for website


10:40 - 11:00

Pack up and clean away equipment


Things to remember while filming:

- Outfit changes

- Changes in lighting 

Things to do before shooting:

- Prepare the props (including powder paint, pills)

- Get camera set up with enough memory ready


10:30 - 11:20

Go to location No.1 (cycle track) and run through the shots that need to happen


11:30 - 12:00

Go to location No.2 (field) and shoot shots 


12:15 - 13:00

Go to location No.3 (lake and bus stop area) 


13:10 - 15:00

Go to last location (Field again) and change clothes, prepare powder paint and film those shots


15:00 - 15:15

Clean up and pack away equipment 


Things to remember while filming:

- Outfit changes

- Changing SD card

- Making sure the shots of me with people and without are identical for the montage

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