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By posting my questionnaire on my social media, which all of my peers are on, I got a large sample of responses for my questionnaire, giving me more reliable results to analyse. 

Because I posted the questionnaire on my asocial media, all the people who answered it are around my age therefore fitting the target audience. This means we know that the results will be valid as we can see what the target audience prefer.

We can see from the results that the two most preferable genres of music fro my target audience are alternative and rock, this is very beneficial for my research as I have decided to do am music video for an alternative rock band. Pop closely follows which is also good as Pvris (my chosen band) are also Punk Pop swell as Alt Rock.

The narrative of a video is clearly important in the eye of the target audience. This may be to do with the fact that narratives can become intriguing. However, the aesthetics of the video also seem to be preferable to my target audience meaning that I may need to focus o the colouring and lighting in the video as it can give off a professional feel if done correctly. 

Due to the way most people use YouTube in my age group meant I had to include the option to suggest that people only have music videos playing for the audio as they may have YouTube playing on another tab whilst doing something else. However, the results showed that this wasn't the main reason for watching music videos, instead people watched them because of an interest in the band, this shows me that maybe the band need to be in the video a lot - maybe even in the narrative. 

The most common answers for this question were the band performing and the band being part of the narrative. This shows that people watch the videos to see the band in them. In my narrative I intend to use members of the band which should hopefully help the target audience enjoy it.

There were a variety of music videos which people preferred, mostly form the Alternative Rock genre but also from the Electronic Rock genre. When quickly looking at all these videos, they either have a clear narrative, good aesthetics or a comical element showing that these may be the common features people in my target audience like. 

On average, the target audience rated watching music videos at 7. showing that people clearly have an interest in watching music videos. From this we can understand that hopefully, the target audience wont be bored while watching the video.

From this, we can see that the target audience prefer serious/thought provoked videos, suggesting they want a video which will be intriguing and gripping. I intend to have this effect by using a plot twist in my narrative. 

People like both energetic and slow videos, maybe suggesting that the change between the two is what makes it interesting. For example, some slow songs with slow videos have long drawn out shots which can become boring.

Most people agree that it is necessary to link the music video to the meaning of the song. In order to do this for my video, I will analyse the lyrics for the song and match up particular shots which could potentially link to the lyrics/meaning of song. 

In conclusion, the target audience I have picked has helped meet understand things I need to include in the video, for example:

- Use a narrative

- Make it serious/thought provoked

- Use both fast and slow shots

- Make sure the band perform in the video

- Make sure the band are part of the narrative

- Link the video to the meaning of the song

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