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animatic storyboard

I created an animatic music video so that I could see the flow of my clips and how I wanted the sequence of events to occur. I originally made a storyboard with the order of events on the took photos of each one, then simply dragged the mint iMovie with the soundtrack and messed around until I found what I liked. This was really beneficial because when editing this, i realised that there was a lot of time during the song Verse 2 - Chorus 2 which I had not planned for anything to happen in. Thankfully, this thought occurred to me early on in the process so for the real thing, I can have that sorted out. I used some simple overlays over some of the clips to give the impression of what the video will be like (e.g. in the shot where there is a powder paint fight, in the animatic I used a pink overlay to suggest the flow of colour. I am aware that I may change my mind about what will go where, what clips to use etc but this is only a rough first idea.



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