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music genre analysis

The chosen genre of music I have decided to base my music video on is Alternative Rock. Since the 1990's Alternative Rock has begun to increase in popularity amongst many other sub-genres. For example, Punk Pop, Indie Rock. The term "alternative" emerged in the 1980's to describe punk rock inspired bands on independent record labels that did not fit into the mainstream genre. 
Popular alternative rock bands include:
Nirvana          Foo Fighters       Twenty One Pilots         Oasis           Weezer         Muse           The Killers
The White Stripes           Thirty Seconds to            Arctic Monkeys          blink-182            Paramore
 By the end of the 1980s, magazines,  radio airplay, and word of mouth had increased the prominence and highlighted the diversity of alternative rock, helping to define a number of distinct styles such as gothic rockjangle popnoise popindie rockindie popgrungeindustrial rockalternative hip hop, and rap rock.
The name "alternative rock" essentially serves as an umbrella term for underground music that has emerged in the wake of punk rock since the mid-1980s. Throughout much of its history, alternative rock has been largely defined by its rejection of the commercialism of mainstream culture.
What are the conventions of alternative rock music videos?
In most alternative rock videos there sometimes is a narrative within thevideo that can either tell the story and follow the lyrics of the song. However it can also ignore the lyrics and become something along the linesof a random video. Even though the video may become random it will still have a meaningbehind it but not what the lyrics have to say.
With the narrative structure of the video there is also a performancestructure of the band usually lip syncing and playing the drums and guitars. In many alternative rock music videos we always have the cuts between theactual performance of the song to the narrative which usually stars the band either showing themselves as fictional characters or just in general, themselves.
Most actors in Alternative Rock videos will have a certain attitude to life, sort of a carefree, placid attitude with the 'I don't care style'. Because a lot of Alternative Rock videos have a lot of performance based videos or the lead singers are included in the story, we see a lot of the band in general as the song plays.
The setting for various Alternative Rock videos take place in quite grungy areas of cities/run down buildings, music stores with small stages, underground areas and general outdoor spaces etc.
Iconography is the visual interpretation of symbols and images. Alternative Rock is normally represented through the band themselves in their videos as a large portion of their videos are performances based, the props used that are linked to the Genre help to show the iconography such as alcohol/drugs etc. to help show the iconography for Alternative Rock.

When the video shows more of a story rather than performance, Iconography is also used to help convey the conventions and/or stereotypes for that story so that it is easy to understand what is happening/what genre is being portrayed
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