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digipak designs

rough drafts

This design consisted of black and white photos of every member of the band in a neutral position. By placing the title in the middle of the frame, it makes it obvious what the album is/who it is by. It also makes it look like the main feature of the album. This would have to be achieved through using software such as Adobe Photoshop to mask all the photos together and place a white background behind everyone. 

This idea came from the original album artwork of PVRIS' album White Noise. The album artwork contains a mirror which is a recurring object through out all their music videos, it acts as almost a symbol. Therefore I attempted to apply this concept to my own music video. I wanted the drugs to be the main feature as there will be shots of the lead walking along and constantly seeing packets attached to trees. Therefore for a simple design i simply placed an image of the drugs in the centre of the frame with the title above. However, PVRIS' album artwork is not typical of the genre therefore I'm reconsidering using this idea.

This idea is my favourite so far, I decided I wanted a long shot of all the band members lined up. I feel like this gives the album more character as you become familiar with the band members. My only concern is where the title is placed as it doesn't draw enough attention to the name of the album or the band name. This could be improved by changing the colour of the font used to repositioning it - however this could interfere with the image being used.




Final design

Back cover


Front cover

Inside Booklet Pages

The design I based my digipak off of was Number 2. At first I was hesitant because of the positioning of the text but when i moved it around in Photoshop, it was still noticeable and easy to read. The digipak has a black and white theme which made editing much easier as I didn't have to colour match every side of the digipak. Above you can see the front cover, spine, back cover and two pages form the booklet which would be inside. 


I added a 3D overlay on top of all the images as I personally felt it matched the theme of the music video which is to do with hyperreality - the 3D effect makes the image look like some sort of glitch, much like the concept of a hyperreality - a glitch.

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